

documentary 2010, 52 minutes

AnaConda Film International, Bremen on behalf of WDR

a film by Wilfried Huismann an

Arno Schumann


In his Norwegian home he is called the "Big Wolf". John Fredriksen with his company MARINE HARVEST is the world biggest player in the salmon industry. His farms in Chile, Norway and other countrys produce more than 100 Million farmed salmon per year to satisfy consumers in Europe, Japan and the USA. But at what price?   

Please watch the documentary:

Snapshot with Che 

(c) WDR 2007, 54 min.  


Félix Rodríguez (CIA) with his prisoner Che Guevara in October 1967. This foto has been reproduced in many history books, but it is  just falsification. Eyewitnesses report that instead of posing with the man who hunted him down, Che Guevara spat in his face.

Please watch documentary:

The Devil´s Apprentice


SUR Films 2003, 54 min. Documentary by

Wilfried Huismann


Mickael Suphi. He dreamed about Rambo and became a torturer. During his service in the Turkish military he ist"discovered" by counter-guerrilla officers He receives a training as "interrogation specialist". Today he remembers: "They aroused the beast within me". He has to torture day by day and to forget about moral and dignity. When he was ordered to torture a child he refused and fled from Turkey. .A shattering story of cowardice and guilt, of courage and the will to live. 


AWARDS: Certificato di merito silver, 12.Prix Leonardo, Parma /  Certificate for creative excellence, US International Film and Video   Festival 2003










Death of a Pharao:

Anwar al Sadat 

WDR 1998, 53 min.  

"To achieve peace, I´m ready to go to the end of the world" Anwar Al Sadat was the first Arab leader to break the wall of enmity between Arabs and Israelis. He went to Jerusalem. That was his death sentence. He knew it.During the military parade on the morning of October 6th 1981 Sadat meets death. The surviving terrorists will later build up Al Quaida.


The Silence of the Pandas


2012, 53 min.  documentary (c), WDR / SWR

The documentary is a journalistic tour de force unearthing the grim secrets of the world’s biggest and most powerful wildlife conservation organization. The WWF is in bed with the worlds biggest environmental polluters; it greenwashes the ecological crimes of Big Business, the corporations currently destroying the last remaining rainforests and natural habitats on earth; and it accepts their money.  The author dug deep into the history of the WWF and found several skeletons in the closet: the elite secret club known as The 1001, and a private military commando unit deployed in Africa against big game poachers and against black African liberation movements. In the name of environmental protection the WWF has initiated the displacement and cultural extinction of indigenous peoples the world over.


Dear Fidel

2001, 90 min.

Documentary by Wilfried Huismann 

In February 1959 , only some weeks after the revolutionaries took over Cuba, the German cruise-ship BERLIN showed up in Havanna. Fidel Castro went on board and fell in love with the captain´s daughter, Marita. After 8 months of love and happiness Castro loses interest in her. Her happiness turns into a nightmare when she loses her child because of a forced abortion in the 7th month of pregnacy. She lets herself be recruited by the CIA, which wants her to kill the revolutionary leader with a poison capsule.  

AWARDS: BANFF Rockie Award 2002 / Documentary Award XIX. International Film Festival Uruguay / Participation Telluride Film Festival


Cold Blooded Pinochet´s Plan Z 

ARTE / WDR/ Chilevision 2003, 30/40 min.

A documentary by

Wilfried Huismann and Raúl Sohr


Rosa Maria Lizama was detained at the age of 16 in Punta Arenas, a city in South Chile.  She was sent to the concentration camp and  sentenced to 10 years of prison. Her crime: She was allegedly part of a secret  comando as part of  "PLAN Z" - a bloody coup supposedly planned by the left.The girl knew the military prosecutor who accused her -  her father´s laywer.  We confront Gerardo Alvarez with his crimes.  


The Death Ship

A German ships sinks in the Biscay- 11 seamen have to die, because the ship is in a very poor technical shape. The captain has no valid licence, he takes too much cargo, the stability documents of the ship are a falsification. It´s a crime, but the German authorities stop all investigations, because the ship is registered in Malta. Many ships with a  flag of convenience sail in very dangerous waters. When this documentary had been broadcasted for the first time, the ship owner was brought to court- for murder in 11 cases. An award-winning investigative film (Grimme-award 1995) 

This English version of the film became part of the work of the ITF, the international trade union organisation fighting for the rights of seamen. Please watch the film:  



The controversial book about the WWF is now finally available in an English language edition unabridged and updated, 2014, 256 pages

Panda Leaks is a journalistic tour de force unearthing the grim secrets of the worlds biggest and most powerful wildlife conservation organization. When the German edition was first published in 2012 it went straight to the bestseller list. Despite the fact that the WWF had initially managed to stop its sale for several weeks with a massive campaign of threats to the book trade. A subsequent series of lawsuits launched by the WWF also failed to achieve a book ban. More:


Rendezvous with Death

Documentary,  2006, 90 min


Script:Wilfried Huismann+Gus Russo

Director: Wilfried Huismann, Camera: Reinhard Gossmann / a Co-Production of: WDR/SWR/NHK Radio Bremen

An international team of researchers set out  for Mexico to track down fresh evidence.  Lee Harvey Oswald was Cuba’s last trump in a deadly duel between Kennedy and Castro. The drama began in April 1961 with the US invasion of the Bay of Pigs. The military action initiated by Kennedy triggered a series of events that, as in classical Greek tragedy, are more or less certain to end in the death of one of the protagonists.

Oscar Marino is a former high official of the Cuban G-2 (secret service). He admits for the first time, that the Cubans recruited Lee Harvey Oswald in summer 1962. an then met him again in Mexico city:  "He offered himself to kill President Kennedy and we used him"


Treason in Santiago-

Who shot Salvador Allende?


2003, 54 min.

Camera: R. Gossmann

Music: Uli Simon and Ramón Gorigoitia

Award: World Medal, New York Film Festival 2004

Munich 1972  : The Secret behind the Olympic Attack


WDR 1997, 45 min. 

German Chancellor Willy Brandt bowed to Israeli pressure and decided against a diplomatic solution with the help of Egypt, that had already been worked out. The hostages were sacrificed for a political agenda. Abou Daud, the mastermind of the attack,receives us in his Amman based home and shows no regrets for the victims.